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Sala de concertos com pessoas na plateia e no palco. As colunas estão iluminadas de azul e o palco com uma luz quente.

Concert hall

Considered one of the most beautiful concert halls in the world, Sala São Paulo offers the best acoustic adaptation resources for various symphonic and chamber music ensembles. It is also used for award ceremonies, official events, and performances of other genres.

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Hall Principal da Sala São Paulo, com paredes em tons de bege e grandes portões metálicos. Ao centro, estão alguns sofás.

Main Hall

Used for receiving guests, the Main Hall is the official entrance to Sala São Paulo. It is the public access area to the interior of the Concert Hall, featuring the Sala Café and can be used for cocktails.

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Vista ampla da Estação das Artes, com piso em tom rosado e paredes beges. Ao fundo, três grandes portões metálicos e um vitral colorido. Nas laterais, grandes arcos com estruturas de vidro e metal. O teto é oval e contra com um lustre ao centro.

CCR Arts Station

Inaugurated on January 25, 2025, the CCR Arts Station features a modular audience that ensures its versatility. When in use, the space can accommodate artistic performances, award ceremonies, and plenary sessions. With the seating closed, it becomes the ideal venue for social events such as weddings, dinners, cocktails, and much more.

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O Foyer conta com muitos arcos. Eles são compridos e não têm nenhuma estrutura acoplada. O piso é de ladrilhos e o teto é bem alto, com uma cúpula no topo.


It is the public access area to the interior of the concert hall. It can also be used for corporate and social events, such as dinners and cocktails.

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O Salão dos Arcos, como o nome diz, conta com muitos arcos. Eles são compridos e não têm nenhuma estrutura acoplada. O piso é de ladrilhos e o teto é bem alto, com vãos que permitem ver o primeiro e segundo andar.

Hall of Arches

The area providing access to the stage and the mezzanine of the Concert Hall, to the Camargo Guarnieri Room, the Main Hall, and the Sala Restaurant, can be used for cocktails and receptions for authorities.

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A Sala Carlos Gomes tem piso de madeira, várias luzes espalhadas pelo teto e grandes janelas com cortinas azul marinho.

Carlos Gomes Room

The room, located in the mezzanine, is equipped with a projector screen, televisions, a projector, and sound system, making it perfect for large meetings and presentations.

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O Salão Nobre conta com piso de madeira, grandes janelas retangulares e paredes pintadas em tons de bege. O teto conta com diversas luminárias. Ao centro, temos várias cadeiras pretas dispostas em formato de plateia.

Noble Hall

With balconies overlooking Praça Júlio Prestes and direct access to the Upper Level of the Concert Hall, the Salão Nobre is intended for lectures, courses, workshops, dinners, and cocktails.

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A Sala Camargo Guarnieri tem diversos sofás e poltronas delimitando o espaço interno, uma telwevisão na parede do fundo e janelas retangulares com cortinas azul marinho. As paredes são pintadas em tons de bege.

Camargo Guarnieri Room

The room, ideal for receiving authorities, meetings, press conferences, small dinners, and cocktails, is located on the box level and mezzanine balcony of the Concert Hall.

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O estacionamento é uma grande área de concreto com pinturas no chão que organizam o espaço para os carros. A portaria do estacionamento conta com grandes catracas de pagamento e uma rampa circular que leva ao primeiro e segundo subsolos.

Parking lot

With a large open-air area, the parking lot of Sala São Paulo offers a panoramic view of the historic building that is now home to the Osesp. It is ideal for audiovisual recordings and outdoor events.

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  • All areas of the Sala São Paulo are equipped with the necessary facilities for the mobility of people with disabilities or reduced mobility.

  • Equipped to meet any needs of the event's audience, the clinic is available for the contracted staff.

  • To ensure the comfort of the artists, newlyweds, and production team, we provide two private dressing rooms equipped with air conditioning and a minibar, and eight shared dressing rooms for up to 15 people.

  • In addition to various options for displaying your brand, Sala São Paulo is equipped with a network of Full HD LED monitors, allowing communication through static ads and videos.

  • For loading and unloading large materials and equipment, adjacent to the stage on the ground floor. Sala São Paulo has an appropriate entrance with access from the ground floor of the parking area and a 192m² space adjacent to the stage, as well as a freight elevator with a capacity of up to 3.0 tons.

  • For complete comfort and security, the Sala São Paulo parking facility has two underground levels, with parking spaces for 600 vehicles, including 20 reserved for people with disabilities and 33 for seniors. It also features four exits to facilitate traffic flow. The service can be used according to a pricing table or specially contracted, including for guest reception at Praça Júlio Prestes (valet service and canopy required).

  • Central air conditioning in most areas;
    Acoustic insulation inside the Concert Hall;
    Restaurant, cafés, and shops located in the public areas of Sala São Paulo;
    Spaces for buffet support and coat check.

  • Support for the technical team and production hired for the event;
    Cleaning before and after the event;
    Credentials for production teams and suppliers;
    Basic ambulance on standby during the event;
    Selective waste collection and recycling.

    Services not included and provided by suppliers: Parking and Box Office.