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A foto em preto e branco mostra a Estação Sorocabana em processo de construção.

The history

In 1925, the project for the building that now houses the CCR Arts Station was born, designed by architect Cristiano Stockler das Neves. The construction, completed only in 1929, was already amidst the decline of coffee exports, the driving force of São Paulo’s economy at the time, and also faced the crisis in the railway system itself, which was losing ground to the growing enthusiasm for the automotive industry that was emerging in Brazil.

Learn more about the history
A imagem mostra os vidrais da Estação das Artes

The renovation

The renovation of the new performance hall, developed by architect Nelson Dupré – also responsible for the restoration of Sala São Paulo in 1999 – aims at a delicate transition: continuing to be the arrival and departure point for events for the community, but also opening up as a space dedicated to multiple arts.

Learn more about the renovation
Patrocínio Institucional