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Vista ampla da Estação das Artes, com piso em tom rosado e paredes beges. Ao fundo, três grandes portões metálicos e um vitral colorido. Nas laterais, grandes arcos com estruturas de vidro e metal. O teto é oval e contra com um lustre ao centro.

Virtual tour

Technical information

  • The CCR Arts Station is located on the ground floor of Sala São Paulo, with independent access. Its total dimensions are 53.32m x 16.50m. The ceiling height is up to 17 meters.

  • The CCR Arts Station can host events for up to 1,000 people standing, 600 in gala format (dinner, with the seating closed), and 543 in auditorium format, with the seating open.

  • The CCR Arts Station is equipped with an air conditioning system and a dedicated space for setting up a tent to support catering services. The space already includes water points for installing sinks and natural gas.

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